Funds of Knowledge Types
Click on the category to see examples of various Funds of Knowledge families may hold.
- Physical and mental health
- Anatomy
- First aid
- Midwifery
- Illnesses and conditions
- Medicines from the land, drugs and other medicine
Hobbies and interests
- Playing or following sports (e.g. golf, fishing, hockey, sky diving, diving, dancing, etc.)
- Playing a musical instrument and singing
- Gardening
- Reading
- Gaming
- Collecting
Work experiences
- Construction
- Repairs and mechanics
- Forestry
- Therapies (psychology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, massage, etc.)
- Medical
- Educational
Experience owning a business
- Farmer
- Restaurant owner
- Real estate agent
- Hair stylist
- Traditional practices
- Ceremonies
- Prayer
- Connections to land
- Include any other assets of families here